
Showing posts from 2018

Week 15- Marketing Tips From the Iconic "Got Milk?" Ad

It was simple. The advertisement did not require customers to think. It was so simple, yet it motivated the consumer. It sounds easy enough, but this does not work for all brands especially JCPenney's. It works for products that are general and do not need many details to understand the slogan. The advertisement was not only an ad but a reminder to merely get milk. The Got Milk ads also used humor by using big celebrities who had a milk mustache on their face. It was corny, but it has become an iconic staple on all Got Milk campaigns. Here is an overview. 1. Keep it Simple 2. Make it Actionable 3. Add Some Humor

Week 15- How to Use Influencer Marketing For Your Start-Up

More and more brands are using influencer marketing because it works for this time and age. Old school traditional marketing on TV and radio does not work for the younger generation.  Leading brands to focus more on places they know their audience will attend too such as social media. Influencer Marketing is Effective because there is already trust in that influencer audience. Trust that is not easy to gain when a new company is starting out. When starting your brand look for micro-influencers who generally have fewer than 10,000 followers and are seen as more "normal."Influencers with fewer followers tend to engage more with their audience than influencers with millions of followers. Video and live streaming are the way to go because they feel more authentic and are more fun to watch. Beware of influencer with a fake following. Which means you as a brand need to check thoroughly before working with any influencers who have a fraud Instagram account.

Week 15- Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is taking an idea/product and using an influencer to endorse the products onto their social media. This is not like using celebrities because influencers all come from different backgrounds and all have a different following. The difference between a celebrity and an influencer is that influencers have a defined audience. This audience with the right influencer for your brand/idea can help give a human voice to the brand. Influencer marketing is less direct than a traditional form of marketing. Influencer marketing is more authentic and it creates a way to connect to customers through influencers who they already trust.

Week 15- Artificial Intelligence to Help Doctors

Doctors are not going away, and machines are not taking the place of doctors, but instead, artificial intelligence will help doctors understand and recognize patterns that they cannot do on their own. Artificial intelligence can do so much better than count cells, but it can realize complicated patterns on how the cell is arranged. AI helps to make a quick and reliable diagnosis that is free of human error. Once AI can pool together ten and hundreds of thousands of patients and their data and use it to learn from it the next level of medicine will be taken to a whole another level.

Week 15- Messenger Marketing

Messenger marketing is a way to communicate with customers and help improve communication. With the help of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and other chat base platforms this allows for brands to connect with its customers worldwide. Here are some tips to help optimize your messenger marketing. First, put your top people in charge if the messages. Put people in charge who will help create a good experience for your customers. Make the conversation personal, but not too personal. Brands who have high engagements have better results. Above all make the Messenger human above all else. Bots are fast but sutomers prefer interactiosn with real people not bots.

Week 15- Will Snapchat Still Be Useful for Marketing in 2019?

During 2014-2017 Snapchat was at a high with daily account users of 191 million but by 2018 their daily active user count is 186 million. This drop is the first time this social media platform has ever experienced such a decline. There have been speculations that it was because of Snapchat redesigning its app. A lot of brands are starting to abandon the platform altogether.  Instagram has already added stories and now Youtube as well. People are finding it easier just using their stories on Instagram/Youtube over Snapchat stories. If Snapchat wants to compete in 2019, they need to go back to the drawing board to attract and keep users if not they will continue to lose more followers and brands with it.

Week 15- Glossier Taking A Risk

A direct to consumer beauty brand that has a high customer return rate. They have an Instagram following of 1.6 million and a long line of customers waiting at their pop up shops. The demand is not because of a low supply but because customers feel like the company has created the products for them. All of Glossier's product is created with customers in mind an especially their feedback. Ali Weiss is the Senior Vice President of Marketing at Glossier and she did not come from a typical marketing background. She takes an unconventional marketing approach and it is working. It takes an unconventional approach to build a customer-centric beauty brand like Glossier. 

Week 14- Going Live on Social Media

Social media is all about being in the moment. Going live on your social media platform is an amazing way to engage with your customers/audience. When you go live it allows people to experience your business and react with you in real time. To go live on your social media platform you need to be prepared. Here are 15 tips by Forbes Agency Council . Plan ahead Give your audience Something they will value Optimize for youtube Repost and Amplify Make it worth it Prebuild and audience Be consistent Know your role Give them a reason to keep watching Show, Don't tell Give live feedback A strong call to action Start with the narrative Mix it up Use premieres on facebook

Week 14- Google Introduces 4 New Search Ads

Google Adwords is an advertising system in which advertisers bid on specific keywords to get more clickable ads to appear in Google's search result. It is the most trusted advertising network on the web. Google recently made some changes to AdWords that allow more room to adjust expanded text ads. Google introduced 4 new metrics Impression (Absolute Top) Percentage- percent of impressions for a given ad that appears as the very first ad above the organic search results  Impression (Top) Percentage- The percent of ideas for a given ad that is shown anywhere above the organic search results. Search (Absolute Top) Impression Share- The impressions you’ve received in the absolute top location (the very first ad above the organic search results) divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive in the prime area. Search (Top) Impression Share- The impressions you’ve received in the top location (anywhere above the organic search results) compared to t

Week 14- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the best way to grow visibility on search engine results. SEO has both technical and creative elements that help drive traffic and bring awareness to your website. SEO helps to make sure that your website is structured in a proper way that a search engine can understand. It is not about just building a search engine friendly website it also makes the site better for consumers. Majority of web traffic comes from Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Most users go through search engines. That is why search engines are so unique they help provide you with targeted traffic. Targeted traffic to a website can provide publicity, revenue, and exposure.

Week 14- AI Is Revolutionizing Digital Marketing

There are three ways Artifical Intelligence is changing the game for digital marketing 1. Better User Experience - When the content is relevant to a user, they are more likely to become recurring customers and have brand loyalty. There are even apps now that allow try on which helps lower returns and higher engagement online 2. Predictive Customer Behavior - AI personalize customer experience on past behavior, and it can also predict behavior. With the help of data management platforms can collect second and third party data now. This can help personalize to a customer needs automatically through journeys and profile what your target and potential lead and eliminating unlikely convert to concentrate on formulating and executing marketing strategies. 3. Real-Time Customer Support - biggest things customers look for is a good experience is quick resolution and response with AI chatbots that can give the impression of actual customer service. 

Week 13- MLB New Marketing Strategy

For years MLB players were getting warning and fines about the cleats they can wear. Players were not allowed any kind of wiggle room. MLB League is not going to allow their players to go wild on their shoe selection like the NBA. It is only a start. The rule was announced a few weeks ago that players must have 51% coloring if their team on their shoes. As in the primary color of the shoe has to feature the teams color. The rule also includes a weekend where players can go wear any color shoe they want. This change came after NFL announced that their players would have freedom in their shoes. "We view footwear as an important part to the marketing of the game," commissioner, Rob Manfred said. Social media world of sneakerhead reaches young and middle-aged women and men and seeing their favorite players wear a shoe help drive up the sales.

Week 12- Lucy in Marketing

IBM has created a Marketing Cognitive Companion and named her  Lucy . Lucy is unlike anything else she is an incredibly powerful tool that marketers can use for research and planning. She is so powerful that she can do more in a minute than an entire team of marketers can do in months. She is created to be an expert in research, planning, and segmentation. How does Lucy work?  - Lucy can absorb and analyze all of the data that a company has and then you can ask her question such as What audience should I target this product too? Who are my competitors? What content should I create to maximize my results? Lucy helps companies understand their audience and data. She helps marketers make more effective strategies and to help understand the outcome.

Week 10- Perfume Made by Artificial Intelligence

Symrise makes a majority of the perfumes and colognes that we wear today. They have an extensive client list including Estee Lauder and Victoria Secret. They are also the first company to partner with IBM Research to make the first AI designed perfume. The AI tool is named Philyra and it used an algorithm to study Symrise's database of its 1.7 million formulas so that Philyra can identify what combinations is missing or not thought before. Philyra was able to pull up such a unique palette of scents that were never thought to work together. The first AI perfume has not been released to the public yet, but Symrise expects to release it next year.

Week 7: Are Jobs Safe with the Rise of Artificial Intelligence?

In Chapter Three of Surfing the Tsunami by Todd Kelsey, mentions that "everyone seems to overwhelmingly agree that no one should be passive and that everyone should take AI seriously." Many Americans today do not t ake artificial intelligence seriously, but even in the CNN Business article linked in Kelsey's book mentions that the "fear of robots replacing job is real."In this article, it mentions that the jobs most at risk are the ones that require a high school degree. Examples would be cashiers who can be easily replaced with self-checkouts. This is already in progress with many stores like CVS, Walgreens, and many more installing self-checkouts. Fast food chains have implemented a touchscreen where customers can just order their food on their own. Amazon first store is another prime example. Amazon Go store features no checkout line or cash register the payment is automatic through a customer's cell phone. This is only just the beginning. What j

Week 7- How a Music Producer Plans to Transform Mobile Marketing

Ryan Leslie is a Grammy-nominated hip-hop artist and a producer who has worked with a list of renowned artists including Britney Spears, Kid Cudi, Chris Brown, and many more. Leslie is not just an artist or even a producer he is also a Harvard graduate and the founder and CEO of two companies, SuperPhone and NextSelection Lifestyle Group. Leslie's vision today is to transcend the world of tech marketing through his mobile messaging platform called SuperPhone . What is SuperPhone? It is an app that allows the user to send a mass text message to its customers alerting them on sales or offers that is going on. Superphone will enable users to have a direct conversation with its customers. Leslie hopes to empower brands, celebrities, and online creators to use SuperPhone so they can have direct access to their followers with just a quick text message. Leslie's goal is to increase efficiency, increased revenue, brand loyalty, and personalized customer relationship.

Week 5- Marketing Environment

There are three elements to a marketing environment Internal Environment, Macroenvironment and, Microenvironment. They are essential because marketers build both internal and external relationships. Marketers goal is to deliver to satisfy customers. They continually evaluate our external and internal environment to make sure they provide their customers with the best. 1. Internal Environment is internal marketing with functions within an organization. A useful tool for auditing your internal environment would be Men, Money, Machinery, Materials, and Markets. 2. The Macroenvironment is less controllable. It consists of culture, politics, technology, the natural environment, economics, and demographic factors. 3. The Microenvironment is made from individuals and organizations that are close to the company and directly impact the customer experience (company, suppliers, advertising agencies, competition, and your public).

Week 4- Is Kylie Jenner a Marketing Genius?

Kylie Jenner was only 18 years old when she entered into the beauty industry. She sure took the world by storm in 2015 when she released her lip kits. She sold out in one minute, but how did she achieve this success? Was it her family name? Was it her Snapchat videos? Was it all a fad and there was just a limited production run? So what is causing this hype? Jenner has been in the public eye since 2007 and lets be real here the Kardashian/Jenner family influence its viewers. Whatever they do the people want to know. Jenner has access to all the resources that are not readily available to the average joe. Not only that she has enormous leverage when it comes to social media with a following of 115 million. Her Instagram is quite calculated. She is always wearing the latest trends and traveling to the hottest spots around the world. All while showcasing her new lips. Anyone who has kept up the Kardashians know that Jenner was not blessed with full lips so when her lips changed ove

Week 3- Why Apple's Marketing Works?

Apple's marketing is beyond amazing that they set the example for other companies. They may butt heads with Samsung, but they always come up on top. Their marketing is so simple yet genius. Apple lets their products speak for themselves, and their advertisements are pleasing to the eye. Everything about Apple is simple from their product to their advertisement and even their logo. Simple ads simplify the decision-making process.

Week 3- What Can Marketing Do for You?

Have you ever wonder why you wear the clothes you wear? Or even why you eat at the restaurants you eat? It is all due to marketing. Marketers job is to educate the consumer on what is out there and to provide useful information that can help meet customers expectations. Good marketing can only lead to more sales which in turns mean overall economic growth which can help create jobs. Marketers are always trying to understand what it is that consumers want and what consumers need.

Week 1- Introduction

Hi, My name is Thao Pham. I am a Marketing major. This is my first blog, and I am so excited! I cannot wait to post more interesting stuff on here! Thao Pham